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Pantry / Despensa
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Transforming Lives
Mission and vision
Our Commitment in Action
We take our mission to where it’s needed most — on the streets. Programs like Adopt-A-Block, Kidz Jam and Street Outreach allow us to form supportive relationships that promote deep, lasting change and empower lives.
Guided by a purpose much larger than ourselves, every one of our programs offers spiritual care and encouragement. This support helps individuals find hope and purpose as they face life’s challenges.
Seeking resources? Contact us to learn more.
Our Commitment in Action
We take our mission where it’s needed most — on the streets. Programs like Adopt-A-Block, Kidz Jam and Street Outreach allow us to form supportive relationships that promote deep, lasting change and empower lives.
Guided by a purpose much larger than ourselves, every one of our programs offers spiritual care and encouragement. This support helps individuals find hope and purpose as they face life’s challenges.
Through our Mobile Food Distribution, Food Pantry and Clothing Pantry, we meet critical physical needs, ensuring families have access to essential resources.
Seeking resources? Contact us to learn more.
Follow us on social media
Thank you to this group from for serving in our food and clothing pantry yesterday! We’re always so thankful when groups come to serve with us as they truly make an impact. 😊
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Thank you to Campus Christian Fellowship Iowa and @leadertreks for coming out yesterday to stock our pantry, write letters of encouragement to families in need, and sort through our storage closet.
If you are interested in serving with us as a group, comment below and we will send you a DM!
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This month’s Volunteer Spotlight is all about Alicia Ashley! Alicia is an amazing volunteer with a heart of gold. She is always looking for a way to give back or support others, especially those in need in our community. We appreciate you so much Alicia!
#kc #kcmo #kck #kansascity #KCDreamCenter
#servolution #wegettoserve #podemosservir #volunteerspotlight #volunteer #volunteering
Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor? Your support would mean so much as we continue this important work. Please watch this video.
If you’d like to hear more about the vision for the KC Dream Center, we would love to personally connect with you! Comment below and we`ll reach out to you.
#kc #kcmo #kansascity #kck #KCDreamCenter #wegettoserve #podemosservir #fundraising #nonprofit #christiannonprofit #servolution #loveyourcity
Thank you to @livingproofchurch12 for serving with us at Street Outreach this Saturday! So many of those in need were touched because of your generosity and hearts to serve.
If you’re interested in serving with us at Street Outreach, head to the link in our bio!
#kc #wegettoserve #KCDreamCenter #kansascity #bettertogether #foodpantry #christiannonprofit #podemosservir #nonprofit #kcmo #kck #community #streetoutreach #homelessoutreach
Here`s a behind-the-scenes look at Street Outreach! We can`t reach those in need in our city alone. Would you prayerfully consider financially partnering with our organization so that we can continue to reach those living on the streets in Kansas City?
For more information regarding donating towards or volunteering with us, go to the link in our bio.
#kc #kansascity #kcmo #kck #streetoutreach #homelessoutreach #podemosservir #kcdreamcenter #wegettoserve #servolution #nonprofit #ChristianNonProfit
Thank you to @cmgvsu (via @urban.plunge) for making almost 4 full pallets of Blessing Bags for us to take out on Street Outreach!
If you have a group that is looking for a place to volunteer, we would love to host you! Comment below if you are interested in serving with us and we’ll message you directly.
#kc #wegettoserve #KCDreamCenter #kansascity #bettertogether #foodpantry #christiannonprofit #podemosservir #nonprofit #mobilefooddistribution #kcmo #kck #community #servolution
We`ve been handing out Backpack Beds for a few weeks now and we`re happy to say that they are going to those living on our streets who need them most! While our goal is to lead those living on our streets towards rehabilitation through Christ and towards housing, these Backpack Beds will keep them warm enough to survive through the frigid temperatures of winter in Kansas City.
If you`re interested in donating towards our distribution of these Backpack Beds, head to the link in our bio and follow @bbhomelessusa!
#homelessoutreach #streetoutreach #КС #backpackbeds #nonprofit #christiannonprofit #kck #kcmo #kcdreamcenter #fundraising #bettertogether #podemosservir #wegettoserve #servolution
Get to know Bill! So many people we meet on Street Outreach have stories similar to Bill`s. If you`re interested in partnering with us in helping transform the lives of those living on our streets with the love of Jesus, we`d love for you to join us! Head to the link in our bio for more information about volunteering with us or donating towards our cause.
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We had a great day at Street Outreach on Saturday! So many people who live on our streets were fed, both physically and spiritually. Thanks to @awakenchurchkc for packing over 150 meals for those in need!
Comment below if you’d like to join us on Street Outreach sometime and we’ll send you a DM!
#kc #wegettoserve #KCDreamCenter #kansascity #bettertogether #foodpantry #christiannonprofit #podemosservir #nonprofit #kcmo #kck #community #servolution #streetoutreach #homelessoutreach
This is JC`s story! We`ve been serving and building relationship with JC for the last five years. If you`d like to join us in reaching those on the streets with the love of Jesus, head to!
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Comment “Backpack” below and you’ll receive a DM with more information regarding Backpack Beds and how to donate towards them being given to those in need.
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Get to know Dave and Becky Hedman, some of our most faithful volunteers. They serve every Thursday in our Pantry without fail!
Q: How did you get involved with the Kansas City Dream Center?
A: I heard about the Dream Center through our church, It`s one of the missions they help support.
Q: Why do you serve here?
A: When I retired, one of my goals was to volunteer to help people in need. The Kansas City Dream Center gives me the opportunity to serve people in need of food and clothing. Each person that comes through our doors matters to God, and they matter to us. It`s such a joy to serve along with the other workers and the fellowship and friendships that have been made over the years.
Fun Fact: I love outside adventures. I owned and rode a Harley Davidson motorcycle for 15 years, and I also went snow skiing in Colorado to celebrate my 70th birthday!
Q: How did you get involved with the Kansas City Dream Center?
A: I heard about the Kansas City Dream Center through our church at Life Mission in Olathe which helps support this mission. I always wanted to do volunteer work after I retired and Dream Center just seemed to be a great place to help those in need.
Q: Why do you serve here?
A: I love volunteering with the wonderful people who work there and the friendships we have established with each volunteer. They all are very supportive to those in the community and my passion is helping people who are in need and homeless
Fun Fact: I love historical homes, how they lived life in the 18th to 19th century back in the Victorian days, reading, and watching movies during that period.
Get to know Dave and Becky Hedman, some of our most faithful volunteers. They serve every Thursday in our Pantry without fail!
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We LOVE all of our amazing, wonderful, giving, caring, and kind volunteers! You all rock our world.
Comment below what you LOVE about serving with us. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Unfortunately, we will have to postpone this Saturday’s upcoming Neighborhood Soccer Outreach until March due to snow forecasted for Saturday. Keep an eye out for more information for when and where it will be in March. Stay safe out there!
#kc #wegettoserve #KCDreamCenter #kansascity #bettertogether #foodpantry #christiannonprofit #podemosservir #nonprofit #kcmo #kck #community #soccer #futbol #neighborhoodsocceroutreach
What a way to kick off 2025! Thanks to God’s provision, wonderful partners, and faithful volunteers, we were able to reach many individuals this month. We can’t wait for what’s in store through the rest of the year.
#kc #wegettoserve #KCDreamCenter #kansascity #bettertogether #foodpantry #christiannonprofit #podemosservir #nonprofit #mobilefooddistribution #kcmo #kck #community #foodpantry #despensa #servolution
If you or someone you know are in need of resources related to housing programs, here are five resources that we recommend!
Feel free to share these resources on your feed so that more people have them on hand in case they need them.
#kc #wegettoserve #KCDreamCenter #kansascity #bettertogether #foodpantry #christiannonprofit #podemosservir #nonprofit #kcmo #kck #community #servolution #homelessoutreach #streetoutreach
We’re partnering with @kckunited for a Neighborhood Soccer Outreach on the 3rd Saturday of each month starting on February 15th.
If you’re interested in volunteering at this event, comment below and we’ll send you a DM!
The mission of this outreach is to serve underserved students in KCK by giving them a safe place to play and exercise with other students their age while learning about Jesus and connecting their families with local churches. We can’t wait!
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